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Material system analysis (MSA)

Material system analysis (MSA)

Material System Analysis (MSA) consists of a map of the flows of materials through the economy, as raw materials or as parts of basic materials, components or products, in terms of entry into the economy (extraction and import), movement through the economy (production, consumption, exports), additions to stock, and end-of-life through either disposal or recovery. An MSA also includes information about the sustainability of the use of materials and the security of supply. The Material System Analysis will include the materials consumed in the EU-28 and their associated flows over the entire life cycle, including exploration, extraction, processing, manufacturing, use, and end of life disposal and treatment.

The first study started in January 2014 and was finalised in November 2015.

The MSA studies aim to build knowledge and understanding of Europe's critical raw materials' flows. The current MSA coverage includes 33 materials. In addition, updates of MSAs on Cobalt, Lithium and Natural Graphite were also published in 2020.

List of raw materials studied:

For each material, this first-ever EU-wide MSA consists of:

The MSA includes the materials' entire life cycles of exploration, extraction, processing, manufacturing, use, and end of life disposal and treatment.

The parameters aim to describe physical flows and stocks along the life cycle of the material, characterise the criticality of the material or forecast future supply and demand.

MSA framework

The MSA methodology was developed and published for the European Commission (EC) with an EU scope in 2015 (Bio by Deloitte, 2015) and has been revised in 2020 by the JRC (Torres de Matos et al., 2020).


The European Commission is committed to ensuring the supply and increase the availability of raw materials for European Industry in the context of the EU Raw Materials Initiative. A comprehensive data inventory of the material flows in industry and society is crucial for providing evidence and informing discussions and decision making on the supply of raw materials; as for helping the identification of key opportunities to secure resources in the EU economy.

The scope for this project was the development of the full Material System Analysis for 28 groups of materials used in the EU-28 economy. These groups include:



As per the terms of references, five tasks were performed by the project team to come up with a data inventory for a RMSA:

Stakeholder input was considered crucial for both evaluating the methodology and filling data gaps.

MSA Reports


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