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About RMIS

About RMIS

The EC’s Raw Materials Information System (RMIS) is a commitment in the 2015 Circular Economy Action Plan, led and maintained by the JRC. Its latest version (the so-called RMIS 3.0, released in March 2023), introduces major upgrades in terms of web-layout, visual interface and improved search functions.

RMIS covers the entire value chains of raw materials (mostly metals and minerals from primary and secondary sources) and takes into consideration the materials’ full life cycle. It provides knowledge on raw materials and associated value chains in the context of sustainability, including supply risks and circularity.

RMIS plays an important role in facilitating knowledge needs identified by EU policy on raw materials, such as the 2024 Critical Raw Materials Act and the 2024 EC Communication on “Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership”. RMIS acts as a vital interface between European stakeholders and the EU-level policy community. It facilitates the availability, coherence and quality of key data & knowledge. Specific objectives include the support of:

Fulfilling these objectives requires a solid network within the EC, with Member States, industry associations, research projects (such as Horizon projects), as well as with other key European and international knowledge providers. 

RMIS covers – in an integrated and impactful manner – a broad range of thematic areas, including: policy & legislation; sectorial and technology demand; supply risk and autonomy; criticality and resilience; circular economy and secondary raw materials; economic and trade-related analyses; material flow analyses, environmental and social sustainability. These are addressed in a foresight as well as retroactive manner. Knowledge can be accessed by material, sector/technology, and country as well as by thematic area.